İpucu modu açıktır Kapat

Malawi Interest Rate

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26% üzerinde 30.04.2024
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Piyasa katılımcıları tarafından yapılan kotasyonlar

Endeks hesaplaması için menkul kıymetlerin listesi

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Alt grup endeksleri

Endeks Mevcut değer Tarih
Albania Repo Rate 3,25 % 08.05.2024
Algeria Discount Rate 3 % 31.05.2024
Angola Interest Rate 19,5 % 17.05.2024
Argentina 7-Day Leliq Rate 40 % 15.05.2024
Armenia Deposit Rate 6,75 % 31.05.2024
Armenia Lombard Repo Rate 9,75 % 31.05.2024
Armenia Refinancing Rate 8 % 11.06.2024
Australia Target for Cash Rate 4,35 % 18.06.2024
Azerbaijan Refinancing Rate of the CB 7,25 % 21.06.2024
Bahamas Interest Rate 4 % 31.05.2024
Bahrain Interest Rate 6,25 % 31.05.2024
Bangladesh Repo Rate 8,5 % 08.05.2024
Bank of Israel Interest rate 4,5 % 27.05.2024
Barbados Bank Rate 2 % 31.05.2024
Belarus Refinancing Rate of the NB 9,5 % 28.06.2023
Belize Interest Rate 2,25 % 31.03.2024
Bhutan Interest Rate 6,91 % 31.05.2024
Bolivia Interest Rate 3,82 % 30.04.2024
Bosnia And Herzegovina Lending Rate 4,84 % 30.04.2024
Botswana 7-day certificates’ rate 1,12 % 03.05.2022
Botswana Interest Rate 2,15 % 13.06.2024
Brazil SELIC Rate Target 10,5 % 19.06.2024
Brunei Interest Rate 5,5 % 31.03.2024
Bulgaria Base Interest Rate 3,63 % 31.07.2024
Burundi Interest Rate 13,66 % 31.05.2024
Cambodia Interest Rate 0,8 % 31.03.2024
Canada Target ON Rate 4,75 % 05.06.2024
Cape Verde Interest Rate 1,5 % 16.05.2024
Central Africa Interest Rate 5 % 31.05.2024
Chile Monetary Policy Rate 5,75 % 18.06.2024
China 1-year Loan Prime Rate (LPR) 3,45 % 20.06.2024
China 5-year Loan Prime Rate (LPR) 3,95 % 20.06.2024
China Interest Rate for Excess Reserves 0,35 % 03.04.2020
Colombia Intervention Rate 11,25 % 28.06.2024
Congo Interest Rate 25 % 31.05.2024
Costa Rica Interest Rate 4,75 % 31.05.2024
Cuba Interest Rate 2,25 % 31.05.2024
Czech Republic Repo Rate 4,75 % 27.06.2024
Denmark Сertificates of Deposit Rate 3,35 % 06.06.2024
Dominican Republic Interest Rate 7 % 30.06.2024
Ecuador Interest Rate 10,87 % 30.04.2024
Egypt Interest Rate 27,25 % 23.05.2024
El Salvador Interest Rate 5,46 % 29.02.2024
Eswatini Interest Rate 7,5 % 31.05.2024
Ethiopia Interest Rate 7 % 31.05.2024
Euro Area Deposit Facility Rate 3,75 % 06.06.2024
Eurozone main refinancing operations (MRO) rate 4,25 % 06.06.2024
Fiji Interest Rate 0,25 % 31.05.2024
Gambia Interest Rate 17 % 31.05.2024
Georgia Refinancing Rate 8 % 19.06.2024
Ghana Interest Rate 29 % 27.05.2024
Guatemala Interest Rate 5 % 30.04.2024
Guinea Interest Rate 11 % 31.05.2024
Guyana Interest Rate 5 % 30.04.2024
Haiti Interest Rate 17 % 31.05.2024
Honduras Interest Rate 3 % 30.05.2024
Hong Kong Base Rate 5,75 % 13.06.2024
Hungary Base Rate 7 % 18.06.2024
Iceland rate on 7-day term deposits 9,25 % 08.05.2024
India Policy Repo Rate 6,5 % 07.06.2024
Indonesia Repo Rate 6,25 % 20.06.2024
Iran profit rate 23 % 31.05.2024
Iraq Interest Rate 7,5 % 31.05.2024
Jamaica Interest Rate 7 % 28.06.2024
Japan interest Rate applied to Complementary Deposit Facility 0,1 % 14.06.2024
Jordan Interest Rate 7,5 % 31.05.2024
Kazakhstan base rate 14,5 % 31.05.2024
Kenya Interest Rate 13 % 05.06.2024
Kuwait Interest Rate 4,25 % 31.05.2024
Kyrgyzstan discount rate of the NB 9 % 18.06.2024
Laos Interest Rate 8,5 % 31.05.2024
Lebanon Reference Rate 7,75 % 31.05.2024
Lesotho Interest Rate 7,75 % 31.05.2024
Liberia Interest Rate 20 % 15.05.2024
Libya Interest Rate 3 % 31.05.2024
Macau Interest Rate 5,75 % 31.05.2024
Madagascar Interest Rate 9,5 % 30.04.2024
Malawi Interest Rate 26 % 03.05.2024
Malaysia Overnight Policy Rate 3 % 09.05.2024
Maldives Interest Rate 7 % 31.05.2024
Mauritania Interest Rate 8 % 31.05.2024
Mauritius Interest Rate 4,5 % 31.05.2024
Mexico Benchmark Rate 11 % 27.06.2024
Moldova Base Rate of the NB 3,6 % 07.05.2024
Mongolia Interest Rate 11 % 31.05.2024
Mongolia REPO rate of the BM 12 % 14.05.2024
Morocco Key Rate 2,75 % 25.06.2024
Mozambique Interest Rate 15 % 29.05.2024
Mozambique Standing Deposit Facility rate 13,5 % 14.03.2024
Mozambique Standing Lending Facility rate 19,5 % 14.03.2024
Myanmar Interest Rate 7 % 31.05.2024
Namibia Interest Rate 7,75 % 19.06.2024
Nepal Interest Rate 7 % 31.05.2024
New Zealand Official Cash Rate 5,5 % 22.05.2024
Nicaragua Weighted Average Interest Rate 7 % 31.05.2024
Nigeria Interest Rate 26,25 % 21.05.2024
North Macedonia Policy Rate 6,3 % 12.06.2024
Norway Key Policy Rate 4,5 % 20.06.2024
Oman Interest Rate 6 % 31.05.2024
Pakistan Interest Rate 20,5 % 10.06.2024
Papua New Guinea Interest Rate 2,5 % 31.05.2024
Paraguay Interest Rate 6 % 20.06.2024
Peru Interest Rate 5,75 % 13.06.2024
Philippines Interest Rate 6,5 % 27.06.2024
Poland Reference Rate 5,75 % 05.06.2024
Qatar Interest Rate 6,25 % 30.04.2024
Romania Policy Rate 7 % 13.05.2024
Russia Key rate of CBR 16 % 07.06.2024
Rwanda Interest Rate 7 % 29.05.2024
Sao Tome and Principe Interest Rate 10 % 31.05.2024
Saudi Arabia Repo Rate 6 % 30.06.2024
Serbia Interest Rate 6,25 % 13.06.2024
Seychelles Monetary Policy Rate 1,75 % 31.05.2024
Sierra Leone Interest Rate 23,25 % 31.05.2024
South Africa Repurchase Rate 8,25 % 30.05.2024
South Korea Base Rate 3,5 % 23.05.2024
South Sudan Central Bank Rate 12 % 31.05.2024
Sri Lanka Interest Rate 8,5 % 29.05.2024
Sudan Interest Rate 28,3 % 28.02.2023
Suriname Discount Rate 10 % 31.05.2024
Sweden Repo Rate 3,75 % 27.06.2024
Switzerland Interest Rate 1,25 % 20.06.2024
Taiwan Interest Rate 2 % 13.06.2024
Tajikistan Refinancing Rate 9,25 % 31.05.2024
Tanzania Interest Rate 6 % 31.05.2024
Thailand Repo Rate 2,5 % 12.06.2024
Trinidad and Tobago Interest Rate 3,5 % 31.05.2024
Tunisia Interest Rate 8 % 31.05.2024
Turkey 1-week Repo Rate 50 % 27.06.2024
USA discount window primary credit interest rate 5,5 % 12.06.2024
Uganda Interest Rate 10,25 % 04.06.2024
Ukraine discount rate 13 % 13.06.2024
United Arab Emirates Interest Rate 5,4 % 31.05.2024
United Kingdom Base Rate 5,25 % 20.06.2024
United States lower limit of federal funds rate 5,25 % 12.06.2024
United States upper limit of federal funds rate 5,5 % 12.06.2024
Uruguay Monetary Policy Rate 8,5 % 16.05.2024
Uzbekistan Refinancing Rate 14 % 17.03.2023
Venezuela Interest Rate 58,98 % 30.04.2024
Vietnam Interest Rate 4,5 % 31.05.2024
West African Monetary Union Interest Rate 5,5 % 04.06.2024
Yemen Interest Rate 27 % 31.05.2022
Zambia Interest Rate 13,5 % 15.05.2024
Zimbabwe Interest Rate 20 % 27.06.2024
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