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Kuruluş: Cordelio Amalco GP I

Kuruluş adı
Cordelio Amalco GP I
Ülke adı
Kayıt ülkesi
Elektrik enerjisi endüstrisi
Tahvil borcu
387 milyon USD

en kapsamlı veri tabanını keşfedin

800 000

dünya çapinda tahvi̇ller

400'den fazla

fiyatlandırma kaynakları

80 000

hisse senetleri

9 000


Portföyünüzü en etkili şekilde takip edin
tahvi̇l arama
Excel Eklentisi

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Cordelio AmalCo LP I is wholly-owned by Cordelio Power, Inc. which was established by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board to manage a portfolio of renewable energy projects. Cordelio Power owns and manages 396MW of generation through a combination of wind and solar projects, including the four projects in the Portfolio. The Portfolio has a combined capacity of 248.9MW between its two wind and two solar projects. The Portfolio is located in southwestern Ontario. Power from the project will be sold to the IESO under twenty year agreements that commenced in 2012 for the solar projects and 2014 for the wind projects. There are no construction risks for the Portfolio, the last project to achieve commercial operation was in 2014.



Hisse Senetleri

Son ihraçlar

Para birimine göre tahvil borcu

Kredi ve ESG derecelendirmeleri

Makroekonomik Göstergeler - Cordelio Amalco GP I

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